Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
A PHP implementation of Haskell's Maybe monad
1 183 30
Doctrine Annotations for Silex
42 218 3
A simple way to invoke setter methods
253 7
Console for Pimple
593 2
Doctrine Cache for Pimple
46 011 6
Doctrine ORM Console for Pimple
543 3
Doctrine Extensions for Silex
176 2
509 2
Doctrine Migrations for Pimple
551 2
Doctrine ORM for Pimple
941 4
PostgreSQL 94 for Pimple
145 0
379 1
Friendly Exception for Silex
266 2
Functional Programming for PHP no loop behind
85 23
Google Analytics for Silex
393 3