Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
A PHP DOM Template library using XML/HTML files for templates
1 524 3
Create dynamic forms easily with the Tk framework
1 889 0
Tropotek Framework
2 072 1
HTTP library for the Tk lib
723 0
Tropotek installer plugins
1 245 0
A mail lib using PHPMailer for the tk libs
992 0
Mapping lib to handle map coordinates and display google type maps.
225 0
Model-View-Controller library for the Tk lib
1 336 0
Manage and add plugin functionality to a site
961 0
A URL routing library for the Tk lib
309 0
A dynamic table lib to manage table rendering
1 764 0
Tk lib framework commands.
10 0
A bootstrap based UI lib for the Tk-lib framework
1 117 0
A base lib for all university institution sites
1 253 0
Tropotek Symfony Utilities, Tools, Helpers
1 0