Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Provides an HTTP Client to interact with the Jira Cloud REST API
2 0
Adds a global helper method to create carbon instances.
36 1
Enables unit testing with an empty service container.
187 1
Adds truth test helper for checking if class is an attribute.
6 0
Adds configurable web api connections to your Laravel application.
197 0
Adds useful methods to the blueprint schema builder.
73 0
Adds the ability define composite eloquent relations.
57 980 13
Adds the ability to dump only when the dump server is online.
309 0
Define all of your events in a simple configuration file.
6 4
The default laravel preset for the majority of my projects.
11 0
Adds the ability to join on a relationship by name.
753 328 201
Adds the ability to generate and seed from seed data.
Adds the ability to send text messages through various drivers.
350 2
Adds the ability to send text messages using Nexmo.
0 0
Adds the ability to send text messages using Twilio.
192 0