Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
AWS CloudWatch Handler for Monolog library
12 441 435 417
PrestaShop - Main menu
4 742 593 7
PrestaShop module ps_themecusto
4 658 786 8
PrestaShop module ps_languageselector
4 725 042 2
PrestaShop - Favicon notification BO
4 604 469 2
PrestaShop module ps_shoppingcart
4 730 758 10
PrestaShop module ps_currencyselector
4 721 118 3
PrestaShop module ps_customeraccountlinks
4 723 009 2
PrestaShop module ps_contactinfo
4 746 369 4
Google Cloud Client Library
13 382 847 1 114
PrestaShop module ps_searchbar
4 716 262 7
PrestaShop - Customer 'Sign in' link
4 734 615 3
PrestaShop module blockreassurance
4 385 850 19
PrestaShop module ps_sharebuttons
4 736 117 7
PrestaShop module ps_checkpayment
4 733 442 5