
An API documentation generator for Hack/HHVM and PHP

0.4.0 2016-10-03 15:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 08:29:38 UTC


API Documentation Generator for Hack/HHVM and PHP

Check out some example documentation: actually, it's our own API. Please have a look.

Packagist Build Status


You can install this library using Composer:

$ composer require appertly/hphpdoc
  • The master branch (version 0.x) of this project requires HHVM 3.12 and depends on appertly/axe, appertly/cleopatra, and fredemmott/definition-finder.


Releases of this library will conform to Semantic Versioning.

Our code is intended to comply with PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4. If you find any issues related to standards compliance, please send a pull request!


You can view a list of all command line options with the -h or --help flags, or by simply calling the hphpdoc executable with no arguments.

Usage:  hphpdoc [options] [--] [args...]

hphpdoc generates API documentation for Hack and PHP files.

  -h --help     Show this help screen
  --version     Displays version information
  -v --verbose  Increases verbosity level (can be used more than once, e.g.
  -q --quiet    Prevents any output except errors; supercedes the verbose
  -x --exclude  Excludes specific files and folders from scanning (can be used
                more than once), wildcards are not supported
  -o --output   Specifies the directory for generated documentation; defaults
                to PWD

For example:

hphpdoc -v -x tests -o build/api .

PHPDoc Syntax

For the most part, we're trying to cover everything in PSR-5. This initial release covers many tags, but not all of them just yet.

Being that Hack has more strict typehints than PHP 5, you can omit types from your @var, @param, and @return PHPDoc tags if you choose!

 * @var You can omit the type here, or…
protected string $something = "nothing";
 * …you can just specify a description here. The type is detected automatically!
protected Vector<string> $test = Vector{'foo'};
 * This is my method.
 * This is a description.
 * @param $name - The name
 * @param $numbers - The numbers
 * @param $log - The log
 * @return - The thing you need. Always specify a dash before description.
 * @throws \RuntimeException if anything goes wrong
public function getFoo(string $name, ConstVector<int> $numbers, Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $log): ?Foo<Bar>
    return null;

If your return type or parameter typehint is mixed, hphpdoc will fall back to the PHPDoc tag type, if one is specified. Example:

 * @return array<string>|string|null The return type
function nope(): mixed
    return null;