
Easy way to handle PHP Attributes

1.0.0 2021-08-05 18:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 21:05:24 UTC


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Easy way to extract and handle PHP Attributes.


  • PHP >= 8.1


composer require brenoroosevelt/php-attributes


Instead of doing like this:


$myAttribute = Attr::class;
$attributes = [];
$relfectionClass = new ReflectionClass(MyClass::class);
foreach ($relfectionClass->getAttributes($myAttribute) as $attribute) {
    $attributes[] = $attribute;

foreach ($relfectionClass->getMethods() as $methods) {
    foreach ($methods->getAttributes($myAttribute) as $attribute) {
        $attributes[] = $attribute;

foreach ($relfectionClass->getProperties() as $property) {
     /** ... */

foreach ($relfectionClass->getReflectionConstants() as $property) {
    /** ... */

$instances = array_map(fn(ReflectionAttribute $attr) => $attr->newInstance(), $attributes);

With this package you can simplify:

use BrenoRoosevelt\PhpAttributes\Attributes;

$instances = Attributes::extract(MyAttr::class)->fromClass(MyClass::class)->getInstances();

Explaining parameters in detail:

use BrenoRoosevelt\PhpAttributes\ParsedAttribtubeCollection;

$extract = 
        // $attribute: the attribute name (string)
        // default values is NULL (search for all attributes)
        // $flag: flags to filter attributes.     
        // default values is 0 (no filter will be applied)

All these methods will return a collection of ParsedAttribute.

  • fromClass(string|object|array $objectOrClass): Collection
  • fromProperties(string|object|array $objectOrClass, string ...$property)
  • fromMethods(string|object|array $objectOrClass, string ...$method)
  • fromClassConstants(string|object|array $objectOrClass, string ...$constant)
  • fromParameters(string|object|array $objectOrClass, string $method, string ...$parameter)
  • fromConstructor(string|object|array $objectOrClass)
  • fromConstructorParameters(string|object|array $objectOrClass, string ...$parameter)

The Collection class is immutable and fluent:

/* $attributes = Attributes::extract()->from... */ 

// Collection
$attributes->add(new ParsedAttribute(...)) // new Collection instance (immutable)
$attributes->merge(new Collection);        // new Collection instance (immutable)
$attributes->getInstances();               // object[] array with attributes instances
$attributes->getTargets();                 // Reflector[] array with Reflection objects target by attributes
$attributes->getAttributes();              // ReflectionAttribute[]
$attributes->count();                      // int
$attributes->isEmpty();                    // bool
$attributes->first();                      // null|(object) ParsedAttribute
$attributes->toArray();                    // ParsedAttribute[]

// Iterable (ParsedAttribute[])
foreach ($attributes as $attr) {
    $attr->attribute(); // ReflectionAttribute
    $attr->target();    // ReflectionClass|ReflectionClassConstant|
                        // ReflectionProperty|ReflectionMethod|ReflectionParameter


Run test suite

composer test

Run analysis

  • Test suite
  • Static analysis
  • Coding Standard
composer check


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations.