
Library base on phpunit to test your data with a fluent interface.

0.19.0 2025-02-24 20:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 20:04:28 UTC


This package provide a set of tools to help you test your application.

Data Tester

This library is a wrapper around PHPUnit Assert class to be able to use a fluent interface on the data you want to test.

Here is a quick example of how to use it in a PHPUnit TestCase:

namespace Your\Project\Name;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Draw\Component\Tester\DataTester;

class SimpleTest extends TestCase
    public function test()
        $data = [
          'key1' => 'value1',
          'key2' => (object)['toto' => 'value']

        $dateTester = new DataTester($data);

PHPUnit Extension

This package also provide a PHPUnit extension to make it easier to write test.


If you are using Carbon in your project, you might want to reset the Carbon class between each test to make sure you have a consistent state.

Register the extension in your phpunit configuration file.

<phpunit bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php">
        <bootstrap class="Draw\Component\Tester\PHPUnit\Extension\CarbonReset\CarbonResetExtension"/>

This will reset your carbon class between each test and test suite like it would in TestCass::tearDown and TestCass::tearDownAfterClass.


A bit like the Service auto wiring would work via a service container, this extension allow you to autowire properties base on attribute that implement AutowireInterface.

Make sure to register is in your phpunit configuration file.

<phpunit bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php">
        <bootstrap class="Draw\Component\Tester\PHPUnit\Extension\SetUpAutowire\SetUpAutowireExtension"/>

Once this is done, your test need to implement the AutowiredInterface interface so the extension will hook it.

namespace App\Tests;

use Draw\Component\Tester\PHPUnit\Extension\SetUpAutowire\AutowiredInterface;use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase;

class MyTest extends KernelTestCase implements AutowiredInterface

Having the extension by itself doesn't do much, you need to put some attribute on the property you need to autowire.

Note that the autowired system doesn't work on static properties.

namespace App\Tests;

use App\MyInterface;
use App\MyObject;
use App\MySecondObject;
use Draw\Component\Tester\PHPUnit\Extension\SetUpAutowire\AutowiredInterface;
use Draw\Component\Tester\PHPUnit\Extension\SetUpAutowire\AutowireMock;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class MyTest extends TestCase implements AutowiredInterface
   // Will create a mock object of MyInterface and assigned it to property.
   // This can be used in conjunction with the AutowireMockProperty (see below).
   private MyInterface&MockObject $aService
   // The AutowireMockProperty will replace the aService property of $myObject. 
   private MyObject $myObject;
   // By defaults, it will use the same property name in the current test case, but you can specify a different one using the second parameter.
   #[AutowireMockProperty('aService', 'anotherProperty')]
   private MySecondObject $mySecondObject;
   public function setUp(): void
       $this->myObject = new MyObject();
       $this->mySecondObject = new MySecondObject();

This might seem a bit useless, but in a framework context using service it will more sense. The AutowireService from draw/tester-bundle is a good example of this in Symfony.

Since the auto wiring is done in the setUp hook of phpunit extension you cannot use them in the setup method of you test. If you need to access those property in your setUp method, you can use the AutowiredCompletionAwareInterface instead.

namespace App\Tests;

use App\MyService;use Draw\Bundle\TesterBundle\PHPUnit\Extension\SetUpAutowire\AutowireService;use Draw\Component\Tester\PHPUnit\Extension\SetUpAutowire\AutowiredCompletionAwareInterface;use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase;

class MyTest extends KernelTestCase implements AutowiredCompletionAwareInterface
   private MyInterface&MockObject $aService
    public function postAutowire(): void

Creating you own Autowire attribute

You can create your own attribute to autowire your own property.

You just need to create an attribute that implement the AutowireInterface interface.

namespace App\Test\PHPUnit\SetUpAutowire;

use Draw\Component\Tester\PHPUnit\Extension\SetUpAutowire\AutowireInterface;use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class AutowireRandomInt implements AutowireInterface
    // This is the priority of the autowire. The higher the number the sooner it will be called.
    // This can be important if you need to autowire a property before another one.
    public static function getPriority(): int
        return 0;

    public function __construct(
       private int $min = \PHP_INT_MIN, 
       private int $max = \PHP_INT_MAX
    ) {}

    public function autowire(TestCase $testCase, \ReflectionProperty $reflectionProperty): void
            random_int($this->min, $this->max)

Now you can simply use it in your test case:

namespace App\Tests;

use App\Test\PHPUnit\SetUpAutowire\AutowireRandomInt;

class MyTest extends KernelTestCase
    #[AutowireRandomInt(1, 10)]
    private int $randomInt;