
Hector Schema

v1.0.0-beta8 2024-09-25 15:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-25 15:04:14 UTC


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Hector Schema is the schema generator module of Hector ORM. Can be used independently of ORM.



You can install Hector Schema with Composer, it's the recommended installation.

$ composer require hectororm/schema


  • PHP ^8.0
  • Packages dependencies:
    • hectororm/connection

DBMS compatibility

If you have any information on the compatibility of other versions, feel free to make a PR.


Generate a schema

use Hector\Connection\Connection;
use Hector\Schema\Generator\MySQL;

$connection = new Connection('...');
$generator = new MySQL($connection);

$schema = $generator->generateSchema('schema_name'); // Returns a `Hector\Schema\Schema` object
$container = $generator->generateSchemas('schema1_name', 'schema2_name'); // Returns a `Hector\Schema\SchemaContainer` object


  • Hector\Schema\Generato\MySQL for MySQL or derived DBMS
  • Hector\Schema\Generato\Sqlite for Sqlite


This library don't provide cache management for schemas. It's to the user library to imagine how store the generated schema.

To help to do that, library only provide serialization of objects and restoration of inheritance between objects.


Description of classes represents the a schema.


It's a container of schema. Methods available:

  • SchemaContainer::getSchemas(?string $connection = null): Generator Returns a generator of Hector\Schema\Schema objects, you can pass a specific connection
  • SchemaContainer::hasSchema(string $name, ?string $connection = null): bool Check if container has a schema
  • SchemaContainer::getSchema(string $name, ?string $connection = null): Schema Returns representation of a schema, an Hector\Schema\Schema object
  • SchemaContainer::hasTable(string $name, ?string $schemaName = null, ?string $connection = null): bool Check if a schema in the container has a table
  • SchemaContainer::getTable(string $name, ?string $schemaName = null, ?string $connection = null): Table Returns representation of a table, an Hector\Schema\Table object

It's an iterable class, returns Hector\Schema\Schema objects.


Represent a schema. Methods available:

  • Schema::getName(bool $quoted = false): string Returns the name of schema
  • Schema::getCharset(): string Returns the charset of schema
  • Schema::getCollation(): string Returns the charset of schema
  • Schema::getTables(): Generator Returns a generator of Hector\Schema\Table objects
  • Schema::hasTable(string $name): bool Check if schema has a table
  • Schema::getTable(string $name): Table Returns representation of a table, an Hector\Schema\Table object
  • Schema::getContainer(): ?SchemaContainer Returns the container of schema if it's a part of a container

It's an iterable class, returns Hector\Schema\Table objects.


Represent a table of a schema. Methods available:

  • Table::getSchemaName(bool $quoted = false): string
  • Table::getName(bool $quoted = false): string
  • Table::getFullName(bool $quoted = false): string
  • Table::getType(): string
  • Table::getCharset(): ?string
  • Table::getCollation(): ?string
  • Table::getColumns(): Generator
  • Table::getColumnsName(bool $quoted = false, ?string $tableAlias = null): array
  • Table::hasColumn(string $name): bool
  • Table::getColumn(string $name): Column
  • Table::getAutoIncrementColumn(): ?Column
  • Table::getIndexes(?string $type = null): Generator
  • Table::hasIndex(string $name): bool
  • Table::getIndex(string $name): Index
  • Table::getPrimaryIndex(): ?Index
  • Table::getForeignKeys(Table $table = null): Generator
  • Table::getSchema(): Schema


Represent a column of a table. Methods available:

  • Column::getName(bool $quoted = false, ?string $tableAlias = null): string
  • Column::getFullName(bool $quoted = false): string
  • Column::getPosition(): int
  • Column::getDefault(): mixed
  • Column::isNullable(): bool
  • Column::getType(): string
  • Column::isAutoIncrement(): bool
  • Column::getMaxlength(): ?int
  • Column::getNumericPrecision(): ?int
  • Column::getNumericScale(): ?int
  • Column::isUnsigned(): bool
  • Column::getCharset(): ?string
  • Column::getCollation(): ?string
  • Column::getTable(): Table
  • Column::isPrimary(): bool


Represent an index of a table. Methods available:

  • Index::getName(): string
  • Index::getType(): string
  • Index::getColumnsName(bool $quoted = false, ?string $tableAlias = null): array
  • Index::getTable(): Table
  • Index::getColumns(): array
  • Index::hasColumn(Column $column): bool


Represent a foreign key of a table. Methods available:

  • ForeignKey::getName(): string
  • ForeignKey::getColumnsName(bool $quoted = false, ?string $tableAlias = null): array
  • ForeignKey::getReferencedSchemaName(): string
  • ForeignKey::getReferencedTableName(): string
  • ForeignKey::getReferencedColumnsName(bool $quoted = false, ?string $tableAlias = null): array
  • ForeignKey::getUpdateRule(): string
  • ForeignKey::getDeleteRule(): string
  • ForeignKey::getTable(): Table
  • ForeignKey::getColumns(): Generator
  • ForeignKey::getReferencedTable(): ?Table
  • ForeignKey::getReferencedColumns(): Generator