macocci7 / php-lorenz-curve
A PHP Library to plot a Lorenz Curve.
- php: >=8.1
- macocci7/php-frequency-table: ^1.4
- macocci7/php-plotter2d: ^0.3
- nette/neon: ^3.4
Requires (Dev)
- php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint: 1.4
- phpstan/phpstan: ^2.1
- phpunit/phpunit: ^10.5
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^3.11
A PHP Library to draw a Lorenz Curve.
1. Features
draws a Lorenz Curve and also calculates the Gini's coefficient.
2. Contents
- 1. Features
- 2. Contents
- 3. Requirements
- 4. Installation
- 5. Usage
- 6. Examples
3. Requirements
PHP 8.1 or later
Imagick PHP Extension
Check with commands:
(php -m; php -i) | grep imagick
4. Installation
composer require macocci7-lorenz-curve
5. Usage
5.1. Basic Usage
To draw a Lorenz Curve, create an instance of LorenzCurve
class at first.
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; use Macocci7\PhpLorenzCurve\LorenzCurve; $lc = new LorenzCurve();
Next, set the data, the class range and save the image into a file.
$lc ->setData([1, 5, 10, 15, 20]) ->setClassRange(5) ->create('img/BasicUsage.png');
This results in the image below.
5.2. Adjusting the Appearance
5.2.1. Drawing Grid Lines
You can draw grid lines with grid()
method specifying the width and the color.
Note: Specifying
as a color code results in transparent.
$lc ->setData([1, 5, 10, 15, 20]) ->setClassRange(5) ->grid(1, '#ffcccc') // width: 1 pix, color: '#ffcccc' ->create('img/DrawGrid.png');
This results in the image below.
5.2.2. Drawing an Upward Convex Curve
You can create an upward convex Lorenz Curve by sorting the list of the classes in decending order with reverseClasses()
$lc ->setData([1, 5, 10, 15, 20]) ->setClassRange(5) ->reverseClasses() ->grid(1, '#ffcccc') ->create('img/UpwardConvexCurve.png');
This results in the image below.
5.2.3. Setting the Image Size
generates images with a width of 400
pixels and a height of 300
pixels by default.
You can change the image size with resize()
- format:
resize(int $width, int $height)
$lc ->setData([1, 5, 10, 15, 20]) ->setClassRange(5) ->grid(1, '#ffcccc') ->resize(450, 400) ->create('img/ResizeImage.png');
This code results in as below:
5.2.4. Setting the Attributes of Plotarea
By default, PHP-LorenzCurve
sets the Attributes of Plotarea
: 10% of the image widthoffsetY
: 10% of the image heightwidth
: 80% of the image widthheight
: 70% of the image heightbackgroundColor
You can change them with plotarea()
- format:
plotarea( array $offset = [], // [int $width, int $height] int $width = 0, int $height = 0, string|null $backgroundColor = null, )
Sample code:
$lc ->setData([1, 5, 10, 15, 20]) ->setClassRange(5) ->grid(1, '#ffcccc') ->plotarea( offset: [80, 50], width: 280, height: 200, backgroundColor: '#eeeeee', ) ->create('img/SetPlotareaAttrs.png');
This code results in as below:
5.2.5. Setting Caption and Labels
You can set the Caption
and Labels
with caption()
, labelX()
and labelY()
caption( string $caption, int $offsetX = 0, int $offsetY = 0, )
labelX( string $label, int $offsetX = 0, int $offsetY = 0, )
labelY( string $label, int $offsetX = 0, int $offsetY = 0, )
Sample code:
$lc ->setData([1, 5, 10, 15, 20]) ->setClassRange(5) ->grid(1, '#ffcccc') ->plotarea(offset: [60, 40]) ->caption('CAPTION') ->labelX('Cumulative Relative Frequency', offsetX: 0, offsetY: 10) ->labelY('Cumulative Relative Subtotal') ->create('img/CaptionLabels.png');
This code results in as below:
5.2.6. Setting Attributes with Array
You can set attributes with the config()
method passing array as an argument.
$lc ->setData([1, 5, 10, 15, 20]) ->setClassRange(5) ->config([ 'canvasBackgroundColor' => '#3333cc', 'showGrid' => true, 'gridWidth' => 1, 'gridColor' => '#0066ff', 'axisWidth' => 3, 'axisColor' => '#ffffff', 'scaleWidth' => 2, 'scaleLength' => 6, 'scaleColor' => '#ffffff', 'scaleFontSize' => 14, 'scaleFontColor' => '#ffffff', 'lorenzCurveWidth' => 1, 'lorenzCurveColor' => '#ffff00', 'lorenzCurveBackgroundColor' => null, // transparent 'completeEqualityLineWidth' => 3, 'completeEqualityLineColor' => '#ffffff', 'completeEqualityLineDash' => [8, 8], 'fontColor' => '#ffffff', 'caption' => 'Config From Array', ]) ->create('img/ConfigFromArray.png');
This code results in as below:
See more: Customizable Attributes
5.2.7. Setting Attributes with Neon File
You can set attributes with config()
method passing the neon file path as an argument.
First, create a Neon File.
canvasBackgroundColor: '#3333cc' showGrid: true gridWidth: 1 gridColor: '#0066ff' axisWidth: 3 axisColor: '#ffffff' scaleWidth: 2 scaleLength: 6 scaleColor: '#ffffff' scaleFontSize: 14 scaleFontColor: '#ffffff' lorenzCurveWidth: 1 lorenzCurveColor: '#ffff00' lorenzCurveBackgroundColor: completeEqualityLineWidth: 3 completeEqualityLineColor: '#ffffff' completeEqualityLineDash: [8, 8] fontColor: '#ffffff' caption: 'Config From File'
Second, specify the path of the neon file as an argument of the config()
$lc ->setData([1, 5, 10, 15, 20]) ->setClassRange(5) ->config('ConfigFromFile.neon') ->create('img/ConfigFromFile.png');
This code results in as below:
See more: Customizable Attributes
5.2.8. Customisable Attributes
attribute | type | default | example | description |
canvasSize['width'] | int | 400 | 450 | image width |
canvasSize['height'] | int | 300 | 400 | image height |
canvasBackgroundColor | string | '#ffffff' | '#0000ff' | background color of the image |
plotarea['offset'] | int[] | 10% of the image size | [40, 50] | offset of the plotarea |
plotarea['width'] | int | 80% of the image size | 500 | plotarea width |
plotarea['height'] | int | 70% of the image size | 400 | plotarea height |
plotarea['backgroundColor'] | string | null |
'#cccccc' | background color of the plotarea |
showGrid | bool | false |
true |
whether to show grid lines |
gridWidth | int | 1 | 2 | grid line width |
gridColor | string | '#cccccc' | '#0099ff' | grid line color |
axisWidth | int | 2 | 3 | axis width |
axisColor | string | '#000000' | '#ffffff' | axis color |
scaleWidth | int | 1 | 2 | scale width |
scaleLength | int | 3 | 6 | scale length |
scaleColor | string | '#000000' | '#ffffff' | scale color |
scaleFontSize | int | 16 | 14 | scale font size |
scaleFontPath | string | 'fonts/ipaexg.ttf' | 'fonts/myfont.ttf' | scale font path |
scaleFontColor | string | '#000000' | '#ffffff' | scale font color |
lorenzCurveWidth | int | 2 | 1 | Lorenz Curve width |
lorenzCurveColor | string | '#0000ff' | '#ffff00' | Lorenz Curve Color |
lorenzCurveBackgroundColor | string | '#ffcc00' | null |
Lorenz Curve background color |
completeEqualityLineWidth | int | 1 | 2 | complete equality line width |
completeEqualityLineColor | string | '#999999' | '#ffffff' | complete equality line color |
completeEqualityLineDash | int[] | [4, 4] | [8, 8] | complete equality line dash pattern (solid and blank) |
fontPath | string | 'fonts/ipaexg.ttf' | 'fonts/myfont.ttf' | font path |
fontSize | int | 16 | 14 | font size |
fontColor | string | '#333333' | '#ffffff' | font color |
labelX | string | '' | 'Cumulative Relative Frequency' | x label |
labelXOffsetX | int | 0 | -10 | x-offset of x label |
labelXOffsetY | int | 0 | 10 | y-offset of x label |
labelY | string | '' | 'Cumulative Relative Subtotal' | y label |
labelYOffsetX | int | 0 | -10 | x-offset of y label |
labelYOffsetY | int | 0 | -10 | y-offset of y label |
caption | string | '' | 'CAPTION' | caption |
captionOffsetX | int | 0 | 10 | x-offset of caption |
captionOffsetY | int | 0 | -10 | y-offset of caption |
5.3. Gini's Coefficient
You can get the Gini's Coefficient with getGinisCoefficient()
method without generating an image.
var_dump( $lc ->setData([1, 5, 10, 15, 20]) ->setClassRange(5) ->getGinisCoefficient() );
This results in as below.
6. Examples
BasicUsage.php >> results in:
DrawGrid.php >> results in:
UpwardConvexCurve.php >> results in:
ResizeImage.php >> results in:
SetPlotareaAttrs.php >> results in:
CaptionLabels.php >> results in:
ConfigFromArray.php >> results in:
ConfigFromFile.php with ConfigFromFile.neon >> results in:
GinisCoefficient.php >> results in:
GinisCoefficient0.php >> results in:
▼Gini's Coefficient:
GinisCoefficientAlmost1.php >> results in:
▼Gini's Coefficient:
GinisCoefficient1.php >> results in:
▼Gini's Coefficient:
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