
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the restruct/silverstripe-admintweaks package instead.

Various admin tweaks & enhancements

Installs: 23

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 4

Forks: 2

Open Issues: 5



2.2.11 2024-10-15 10:31 UTC


This module serves as a portable set of small Silverstripe functionality & styling tweaks by Restruct.

Currently it has been partially updated to SS4, most stuff is deactivated & will be reactivated when needed in projects.


  • ImagePlaceholder functionality (SVG)
  • Contact & social media fields in SiteConfig (optional/configurable)
  • Raw html head/body tag fields in SiteConfig (optional/configurable)
  • Browser-chrome colorpicker field in SiteConfig (optional/configurable)
  • Provides a global $themeDirResourceURL ($ThemeDir replacement, eg: {$themeDirResourceURL('my-theme')}/videos/vid-{$RandomNumber}.mp4)
  • SSViewer_ExtraIterators (eg "col-2-of-4"): GroupSize, PosInGroup, FirstOfGroup, LastOfGroup, FirstLastOfGroup, GroupOfGroups
  • CacheHelpers::cached_http_request(), cached_json_request() & cached_jsonLD_request()
  • GeneralHelpers::safelyGetProperty() & download_and_save_asset()
  • Various stuff added to Page by PageHelpersExtension
  • ScheduledMethodCall class to call any method on a schedule using QueuedJobs module (if installed)
  • FormFieldBootstrapExtension to simply add .form-control class to formfields (optional)
  • FormFieldTweaksExtension to add classes & attributes to form holders only (combine with ->setFieldHolderTemplate('FormFieldTweaks_holder'))
  • EnforceCMSPermission trait to have DataObjects require CMS access credentials for CRUD actions
  • GridFieldConfigs::editable_orderable()
  • SelectiveLumberjack class (fixes Lumberjack to NOT filter listview and also take hide_from_cms_tree (core functionality) into account)
  • Sets Session.cookie_secure true
  • Makes UserDefinedForm NOT save to server by default (GDPR)
  • Sets slightly higher image quality values & activates WEBP format (if webmen/silverstripe-webp-images is installed)
  • Activates MimeUploadValidator (if silverstripe/mimevalidator is installed)
  • Sets default ("cacheblock") cache to 24 hours & creates a "appcache" of 1 hour
  • Has some email config helpers (see "Email config" below)
  • Sets some image manipulation fallbacks in case methods are missing (legacy, focuspoint, cropper)
  • Sets a slightly more secure password policy
  • Activates googlesitemaps (if module installed)
  • Registers FeaturedImage & CurrentYear shortcodes (if shortcode module is installed)
  • Adds stylish pageicons for common pagetypes (font awesome icons)
  • (Bigfork:) Hides pagetypes that cannot be created & admin sections that clients rarely use
  • Hides CampaignAdmin & ReportAdmin in nav (rarely used by clients)
  • Groups RedirectedURLAdmin, ArchiveAdmin, QueuedJobsAdmin, SubsiteAdmin and SiteConfig nav-buttons under "Advanced" dropdown (if symbiote/silverstripe-grouped-cms-menu is installed)
  • Various Block (Elemental) tweaks (+ block icon/thumbnail preview route at admin/blocktypeicons)
  • Fix to make empty/unchecked checkboxes in editablegridfields submit data (eg unset)
  • Workaround checkboxes being unset by $form->loadData() when they dont have a 1:1 fieldname/relation on object (set attribute data-setactivecheckboxvalues to force a value onto checkboxsetfields)
  • ...

Untested / dropped-in functionality

Stuff quickly copied into this module for portability but may need some tweaking/generalization before being actually usable:

  • IpAddressField formfield with IP validation (may currently be only usable in front-end, not sure)
  • DBNullableInt & MySQLSchemaManagerNullable
  • ...


  • Legacy .margin-left & .small formfield styling -> (v4) just $field->removeExtraClass('stacked')->setRows(15)

SiteConfig ... config

Set wether to 'decorate' siteconfig or not:

# NOTE: this extension adds various extra fields & functionality to siteadmin, activate on a per-project basis
    - Restruct\Silverstripe\AdminTweaks\Extensions\SiteConfigExtension
  # move 'access' fields to main tab & remove 'access' tab
  rearrange_access_fields: false # (default true)
  enable_browser_color_theme_field: false # (default true)
  enable_subnav_activation_field: false # (default true)
  enable_contact_social_media_fields: false # (default true)
  # use in templates: {$SiteConfig.ExtraHTML_HeadStart.RAW} to include extra html
  enable_raw_head_body_fields: false # (default true)
  # deactivate container classes (or set array to override)
  theme_container_classes: false # default bootstrap container classes

Image placeholder

Include SVG directly in template:

<% include ImagePlaceholder W=180, H=50, Label='logo', AddClass='rounded' %>

Include SVG directly:

$ImagePlaceholder(180, 50, 'logo', '', 'rounded')

Include SVG as img src (base64 data-uri):

<img class="rounded" src="$ImagePlaceholder(180, 50, 'logo', true)" alt="logo" width="180" height="50">

Email config

Define email config in .env (environment) to have it auto-applied:

# EMAIL.yml
APP_SYSTEM_EMAIL_ADDRESS="" # eg noreply@host.tld

# SMTP mailserver, NOTE: SwiftMail 'ssl' => SMTP over SSL/TLS / 'tls' => STARTTLS
# LIVE/Default: Mailgun servers (listen on ports 25, 465 (SSL/TLS), 587 (STARTTLS), and 2525)

# Send error logs via email

Show Block design/thumbnails instead of icons in admin UI (Elemental)

  1. copy & adapt below section to specific project code css to show designed block previews instead of icons
  2. set private static $icon to 'block-design block-section {block-name-offset}'
  3. add stacked blocks img to app/client (.block-name-offset sets offset if multiple stacked in one image)
i.block-section, button.block-section:before {
  background-image: url(~app/client/imgs/block-group-designs_stacked.png);
  background-position: 0 0;
i.block-section, button.block-section {
  &.block-name-offset {&, &:before {
    background-position: 0 -128px;
  &.block-othername-offset {&, &:before {
    background-position: 0 -28px;


- JS: Add optional loading feedback overlay to buttons
- JS: Inline gridfieldeditablecolumns datepicker fixes
- JS: Advanced search toggle for modeladmins
- Check & improve