
dev-master 2015-01-30 09:24 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 15:09:14 UTC


Adds Assetic to Fwk\Core Applications.


1: Install the sources

Via Composer:

    "require": {
        "nitronet/fwk-assetic": "dev-master",

If you don't use Composer, you can still download this repository and add it to your include_path PSR-0 compatible

2: Configure Assetic as a Service

Configures Assetic classes in your Di Container, and tweak it the way you want. To make it customizable, we'll also use some INI properties:

; :packageDir is the directory where your service.xml is. = :packageDir/MyApp/templates/assets
assetic.debug = true = Asset


<!-- Assetic AssetFactory -->
<class-definition name="assetic.AssetFactory" class="Assetic\Factory\AssetFactory" shared="true">
    <call method="setFilterManager">

<!-- Assetic FilterManager -->
<class-definition name="assetic.FilterManager" class="Assetic\FilterManager" shared="true" />

<!-- Fwk Service -->
<class-definition name="assetic" class="FwkAssetic\AssetsService" shared="true">

<!-- Fwk ViewHelper -->
<class-definition name="_vh.AsseticViewHelper" class="FwkAssetic\AssetViewHelper" shared="true">
    <argument desc="Name of the Fwk Service">assetic</argument>
    <argument desc="Name of your Url ViewHelper">url</argument>
    <argument desc="Enable Assetic debugging">:assetic.debug</argument>
    <argument desc="Asset action name"></argument>

Next, you want to add the ViewHelper to your ViewHelperService:

<!-- You probably already have this one -->
<class-definition name="viewHelper" class="Fwk\Core\Components\ViewHelper\ViewHelperService" shared="true">
    <!-- ... -->
    <call method="add">
        <argument desc="Name of the helper (to be used in templates)">asset</argument>
        <argument desc="Instance of the AsseticViewHelper">@_vh.AsseticViewHelper</argument>

3: Register action and routes to the Asset Action


<action name="Asset" shortcut="FwkAssetic\Controllers\AssetAction:show" />

If you use the UrlRewriterService, you can also customize the action route:

    <!-- ... --->
    <url route="/asset/:asset" action="Asset">
        <param name="asset" regex=".*" />

4: That's it!

You can now use the viewHelper in your templates, like so:

<?php foreach($this->_helper->asset(array('/path/to/site.css'), $filters = array(), $output = "site") as $asset): ?>
    <link href="<?php echo $asset; ?>" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<?php endforeach; ?>

Or if you use Twig:

{% for asset in _helper.asset(['/path/to/site.css'], [], 'site', true) %}
    <link href="{{ asset }}" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
{% endfor %}


To display images and resources referenced in your CSS, you'll have to use a "rewrite" filter.

Back to your services.xml, declare the filter definition and change your assetic.FilterManager definition to this:

<!-- Assetic FilterManager -->
<class-definition name="assetic.FilterManager" class="Assetic\FilterManager" shared="true">
    <call method="set">
        <argument desc="Filter alias">cssrewrite</argument>
        <argument desc="Filter instance">@assetic.CssRewriteFilter</argument>

<!-- CssRewriteFilter -->
<class-definition name="assetic.CssRewriteFilter" class="FwkAssetic\Filters\CssRewriteFilter" shared="true">

Now, just call the cssrewrite filter in your templates:

<?php foreach($this->_helper->asset('/path/to/site.css', 'cssrewrite') as $asset): ?>
    <link href="<?php echo $asset; ?>" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<?php endforeach; ?>

That's it!

Configure Caching

To prevent 404 errors on assets urls, you'll have to use the Assetic caching mechanism, which require some more configuration...

1: Configuration variables and caching directory

Create a directory where Assetic can cache the assets:

$ mkdir /path/to/app/cache 
$ chmod 777 /path/to/app/cache

Configure the application:

assetic.use.cache = true = /path/to/app/cache
; could be content or modification 
assetic.cache.strategy = content

2: Configure Services

Adds the following definitions to your services.xml

<!-- Assetic FilesystemCache -->
<class-definition name="assetic.FilesystemCache" class="Assetic\Cache\FilesystemCache" shared="true">
<!-- Assetic CacheBustingWorker -->
<class-definition name="assetic.CacheBustingWorker" class="Assetic\Factory\Worker\CacheBustingWorker" shared="true">

And reconfigure previous definitions:

<!-- Assetic AssetFactory -->
<class-definition name="assetic.AssetFactory" class="Assetic\Factory\AssetFactory" shared="true">
    <call method="setFilterManager">
    <!-- enable assetic cache -->
    <call method="addWorker">

<!-- Fwk Service -->
<class-definition name="assetic" class="FwkAssetic\AssetsService" shared="true">
    <!-- enable assetic cache -->

3: You're done!

Now you can refresh your pages and admire your frontend skills ;)

Shortcuts to Assets

Sometimes it can be useful to define shortcuts to assets directories if they are not in your

1: Create an array of shortcuts

<!-- Assets shortcuts -->
<array-definition name="assetic.Shortcuts">
    <param key="bower">:packageDir/../public/bower_components</param>
    <param key="theme">:packageDir/templates/assets</param>

2: Add a method call to your AssetsService

<!-- Assets Service -->
<class-definition name="assetic" class="FwkAssetic\AssetsService" shared="true">
    <!-- add shortcuts -->
    <call method="addShortcuts">

3: Use your shortcuts

Now that shortcuts have been defined, we can call our assets easily:

<?php foreach($this->_helper->asset(array('+bower/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css')) as $asset): ?>
    <link href="<?php echo $asset; ?>" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<?php endforeach; ?>

Full XML configuration

    ASSETIC (fwk-assetic)
<class-definition name="assetic.CssRewriteFilter" class="FwkAssetic\Filters\CssRewriteFilter" shared="true">
<class-definition name="assetic.FilterManager" class="Assetic\FilterManager" shared="true">
    <call method="set">
<class-definition name="assetic.FilesystemCache" class="Assetic\Cache\FilesystemCache" shared="true">
<class-definition name="assetic.CacheBustingWorker" class="Assetic\Factory\Worker\CacheBustingWorker" shared="true">
<class-definition name="assetic.AssetFactory" class="Assetic\Factory\AssetFactory" shared="true">
    <call method="setFilterManager">
    <!-- enable assetic cache -->
    <call method="addWorker">

<!-- Assets Service -->
<class-definition name="assetic" class="FwkAssetic\AssetsService" shared="true">
    <!-- add shortcuts -->
    <call method="addShortcuts">

<class-definition name="_vh.AsseticViewHelper" class="\FwkAssetic\AssetViewHelper" shared="true">

<!-- Assets shortcuts -->
<array-definition name="assetic.Shortcuts">
    <param key="bower">:packageDir/../public/bower_components</param>
    <param key="theme">:packageDir/templates/assets</param>

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