
Allows to control the output of DCA fields via a condition.

0.4.2 2022-04-27 09:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 15:29:54 UTC


In addition to palettes and sub-palettes, this extension adds a new field property (dependsOn) for DCA's where conditions can be defined to display the field.

Condition based on another field and its value:

'field1'  => [
    'exclude'    => true,
    'inputType'  => 'checkbox',
    'eval'       => ['tl_class' => 'w50 m12'],
    'sql'        => "char(1) NOT NULL default '0'",
'field2'  => [
    'exclude'    => true,
    'inputType'  => 'text',
    'eval'       => ['maxlength'=>64, 'tl_class'=>'w50'],
    'sql'        => "varchar(64) NOT NULL default ''",
    'dependsOn'  => [
        'field1' => 1 // Displays this field only if the checkbox (field1) has been selected.

Condition based on another field and a custom callback:

'field2'  => [
    'exclude'    => true,
    'inputType'  => 'text',
    'eval'       => ['maxlength'=>64, 'tl_class'=>'w50'],
    'sql'        => "varchar(64) NOT NULL default ''",
    'dependsOn'  => [
        'field1' => static function($fieldName, $objModel) {
            // $fieldName = field1
            // "field1" is automatically supplemented with the field evaluation "submitOnChange = true" (autoSubmit = true).
            // Return true = show / false = hide
            return $objModel->{$fieldName} == 1;  

With this variant, the specification of the field name to be reacted to is optional. Please note that the first parameter corresponds to the given key.
For example:

'field2'  => [
    'exclude'    => true,
    'inputType'  => 'text',
    'eval'       => ['maxlength'=>64, 'tl_class'=>'w50'],
    'sql'        => "varchar(64) NOT NULL default ''",
    'dependsOn'  => [
        static function($fieldName, $objModel, &$arrEvaluationFields) {
            // $fieldName = 0
            // 'field1' must be extended independently with the field evaluation 'submitOnChange = true' or added via the third parameter ($arrFields) (autoSubmit = true).
            $arrEvaluationFields[] = 'field1';
            // Return true = show / false = hide       
            return $objModel->field1 == 1; 

Multiple conditions:

'field1'  => [
    'exclude'    => true,
    'inputType'  => 'checkbox',
    'eval'       => ['tl_class' => 'w50 m12'],
    'sql'        => "char(1) NOT NULL default '0'",
'field2'  => [
    'exclude'    => true,
    'inputType'  => 'checkbox',
    'eval'       => ['tl_class' => 'w50 m12'],
    'sql'        => "char(1) NOT NULL default '0'",
'field3'  => [
    'exclude'    => true,
    'inputType'  => 'text',
    'eval'       => ['maxlength'=>64, 'tl_class'=>'w50'],
    'sql'        => "varchar(64) NOT NULL default ''",
    'dependsOn'  => [
        'field2' => 1, 
        'field3' => 1 // Both fields must be checked to display this field


Basic settings must be maintained via the config/config.yml file.

    autoSubmit: true
        - tl_article
        - tl_content
        - tl_files
        - tl_form_field
        - tl_form
        - tl_image_size_item
        - tl_image_size
        - tl_layout
        - tl_member_group
        - tl_member
        - tl_module
        - tl_opt_in
        - tl_page
        - tl_style
        - tl_style_sheet
        - tl_theme
        - tl_user_group
        - tl_user
Parameter Default Description
autoSubmit true Referenced fields in dependsOn automatically get the "submitOnChange" evaluation set. Should this parameter be set to false, the evaluation must be added manually.
tables (see above) List of tables where dependsOn may be taken into account. If you add your own tables, the default settings will be overwritten and you will have to set them yourself.