Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
API compatibility checker for swagger.json
15 4
Code generation library
381 575 1
GO code generation library
26 621 3
JSON encoder with RAW support
1 937 1
JSON CLI tool (diff, rearrange, pretty print, minify, yaml convert, etc...)
9 115 77
JSON diff/rearrange/patch/pointer library for PHP
14 807 547 227
High definition PHP structures with JSON-schema based validation
9 097 280 461
Instance to JSON schema and back
28 214 10
Swaggest JSON-schema enabled PHP code builder
367 350 74
PHP REST client helpers
1 115 1
Swagger/OpenAPI code generator
90 9
Swagger 2.0 schema PHP mappings
2 265 4