
Object-oriented editable dialog box configuration building for areabricks

v1.4.3 2024-10-10 19:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-10 19:18:40 UTC


Object-oriented editable dialog box configuration building for areabricks.


  1. Require the bundle

    composer require teamneusta/pimcore-areabrick-config-bundle
  2. Enable the bundle

    Add the Bundle to your config/bundles.php:

    Neusta\Pimcore\AreabrickConfigBundle\NeustaPimcoreAreabrickConfigBundle::class => ['all' => true],


You need this bundle if you want to stuff your areabricks easily with an editable config dialog.

A simple example should show how to do it.

Areabrick Class

Your areabrick class must implement Pimcore's Pimcore\Extension\Document\Areabrick\EditableDialogBoxInterface interface and additionally use the Neusta\Pimcore\AreabrickConfigBundle\HasDialogBox trait.

Then it's up to you to implement the buildDialogBox() method as you wish.


use Neusta\Pimcore\AreabrickConfigBundle\DialogBoxBuilder;
use Neusta\Pimcore\AreabrickConfigBundle\HasDialogBox;
use Pimcore\Extension\Document\Areabrick\AbstractTemplateAreabrick;
use Pimcore\Extension\Document\Areabrick\EditableDialogBoxInterface;
use Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable;
use Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Area\Info;

class MyAreabrick extends AbstractTemplateAreabrick implements EditableDialogBoxInterface
    /** @template-use HasDialogBox<DialogBoxBuilder> */
    use HasDialogBox;

     * This is the code you have to implement
    private function buildDialogBox(DialogBoxBuilder $dialogBox, Editable $area, ?Info $info): void
            ->addTab('Einstellungen meines Bricks',
                    ->setPlaceholder('Hier bitte was eintragen...')
            ->addTab('Weitere Einstellungen',
                    ->setLabel('Feld zum Abhaken')
                    ->setLabel('Weiteres Feld zum Abhaken (bereits abgehakt)')
            ->addTab('Und noch mehr',
                        'value 1' => 'label 1',
                        'value 2' => 'label 2',
                        'value 3' => 'label 3',
                    ->setLabel('Auswahlfeld (Standard: value 2)')
                    ->setDefaultValue('label 2')
    // other things may follow

As you can (nearly) see, we add a 3-tabbed-config dialog to our brick which can be opened by clicking on the pencil of your areabrick:


The config dialog will be opened: config_dialog.png



And after editing the values, they are accessible in the Twig template:

      Im Feld 'Texteingabefeld' wurde der Wert
      {{ pimcore_input('input-label').getData() }}
      Die Checkbox 'Feld zum Abhaken' ist
          {% if pimcore_checkbox('checkbox-label-1').isChecked() %}
          {% else %}
              NICHT abgehakt.
          {% endif %}
      Die Checkbox 'Weiteres Feld zum Abhaken (bereits abgehakt)' ist
          {% if pimcore_checkbox('checkbox-label-2').isChecked() %}
          {% else %}
              NICHT abgehakt.
          {% endif %}
      Im Auswahlfeld (Standard: wert 2) wurde der Wert
      {{ pimcore_select('select-label').getData() }}


Currently, there is no configuration available.


Feel free to open issues for any bug, feature request, or other ideas.

Please remember to create an issue before creating large pull requests.

Local Development

To develop on local machine, the vendor dependencies are required.

bin/composer install

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