
Trello API v2 client

v0.7 2023-03-30 06:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:31:54 UTC


A simple Object Oriented wrapper for the Trello API, written in PHP7.4.

Uses Trello API v1. The object API is very similar to the RESTful API.


  • Follows PSR-0 conventions and coding standards: autoload friendly
  • Light and fast thanks to lazy loading of API classes
  • Extensively tested
  • Tested in Symfony 6.2


"require": {
	"php": ">=8.0",
	"symfony/event-dispatcher": "*",
	"league/oauth1-client": "*",
	"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "*"


The recommended way is using composer:

$ composer require vasyaxy/php-trello-api

However, php-trello-api follows the PSR-0 naming conventions, which means you can easily integrate php-trello-api class loading in your own autoloader.

Make Auth URL


namespace App;

use Trello\Client;

class TrelloApi
    public Client|null $client;

    public function __construct()
        $this->client = new Client();
    public function setupTrelloClient(): void
            'API_KEY',                            // Api key - get from
            'USER_TOKEN (empty)',                 // Empty for this exampe
            Client::AUTH_URL_CLIENT_ID            // nvm

    public function getAuthUrl(): string

        return $this->client->getAuthUrl([
            'key' => 'API_KEY',                   // Api key - get from - NEW - get key
            'secret' => 'API_SECRET',             // ^^^ "Reveal test key"
            'callbackUrl' => '!!CALL_BACK_URL!!', // example: ''
            'name' => 'My Mega Trello App!!!1',   // nvm
            'expiration' => 'never',              // >> MH <<
            'scope' => 'read,write',              // >> MH <<

Basic usage

use Trello\Client;

$client = new Client();
$client->authenticate('API_KEY', 'USER_KEY', Client::AUTH_URL_CLIENT_ID);
$boards = $client->api('member')->boards()->all();

The $client object gives you access to the entire Trello API.

Advanced usage with the Trello manager

This package includes a simple model layer above the API with a nice chainable API allowing following manipulation of Trello objects:

use Trello\Client;
use Trello\Manager;

$client = new Client();
$client->authenticate('API_KEY', 'USER_KEY', Client::AUTH_URL_CLIENT_ID);

$manager = new Manager($client);

$card = $manager->getCard('547440ad3f8b882bc11f0497');

    ->setName('Test card')
    ->setDescription('Test description')

Dispatching Trello events to your app

The service uses the Symfony EventDispatcher component to dispatch events occuring on incoming webhooks.

Take a look at the Events class constants for names and associated event classes.

use Trello\Client;
use Trello\Service;
use Trello\Events;

$client = new Client();
$client->authenticate('API_KEY', 'USER_KEY', Client::AUTH_URL_CLIENT_ID);

$service = new Service($client);

// Bind a callable to a given event...
$service->addListener(Events::BOARD_UPDATE, function ($event) {
    $board = $event->getBoard();

    // do something

// Check if the current request was made by a Trello webhook
// This will dispatch any Trello event to listeners defined above



Feel free to make any comments, file issues or make pull requests.


php-trello-api is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
