
The PHP class package managing Vcard/Xcard/Jcard information

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v1.0.9 2022-11-21 12:01 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-21 16:23:10 UTC


is the PHP class package managing

Vcard / Xcard / Jcard information

  • vCard Format Specification, 4.0, rfc6350, format / parse

  • xCard: vCard XML Representation, rfc6351, format / parse

  • jCard: The JSON Format for vCard, 4.0, rfc7095, format / parse

  • vCard MIME Directory Profile, Vcard 3.0, rfc2426

    • format Vcard 3.0 from a 4.0 structure
    • parse Vcard 3.0 into a 4.0 structure


Parse an input string into vCards :

namspace Kigkonsult\PhpVcardMgr;

// load an input string
$inputString = ....

// parse Vcard 4.0 input string
$vCards = PhpVcardMgr::factory()->vCard4Parse( $inputString )->getVCards();

// parse Vcard 3.0 input string
// $vCards = PhpVcardMgr::factory()->vCard3Parse( $inputString )->getVCards();

// parse Jcard json input string
// $vCards = PhpVcardMgr::factory()->jCardParse( $inputString )->getVCards();

// parse Xcard XML input string
// $vCards = PhpVcardMgr::factory()->xCardParse( $inputString )->getVCards();

// examine each vcard content
foreach( $vCards as $vCard) {
    if( $vCard->hasProperty( PhpVcardMgr::N )) {
        // Exactly one instance per vCard MAY be present
        $property = $vCard->getProperty( PhpVcardMgr::N );
        $name       = $property->isGroupSet()     // string
            ? $property->getGroupPropName()
            : $property->getPropName();
        $parameters = $property->getParameters(); // array
        $valueType  = $property->getValueType();  // string
        // five-element array : surname/given/additional/prefix/suffix
        $value      = $property->getValue();
    } // end if
    if( $vCard->hasProperty( PhpVcardMgr::ADR )) {
         // One or more instances per vCard MAY be present
        foreach( $vCard->getProperty( PhpVcardMgr::ADR ) as $property ) {
            $name       = $property->isGroupSet()     // string
                ? $property->getGroupPropName()
                : $property->getPropName();
            $parameters = $property->getParameters(); // array
            $valueType  = $property->getValueType();  // string
            // seven-element array : pobox/ext/street/locality/region/code/country
            $value      = $property->getValue();
        } // end foreach
    } // end if
} // end foreach

Format vCards into Vcard / Jcard / Xcard string :

namspace Kigkonsult\PhpVcardMgr;

use Kigkonsult\PhpVcardMgr\Property\Adr;
use Kigkonsult\PhpVcardMgr\Property\Email;
use Kigkonsult\PhpVcardMgr\Property\N;

// load a Vcard
$vCard = Vcard::factory()
   ->addProperty( Adr::factory( <value> [, <parameters> [, <valueType> [, <group> ]]] )
   ->addProperty( N::factory( <value> [, <parameters> [, <valueType> [, <group> ]]] )
   ->addProperty( Email::factory( <value> [, <parameters> [, <valueType> [, <group> ]]] );

$phpVcardMgr = PhpVcardMgr::factory()->addVCard( $vCard );

// format Vcard 4.0 output string
$outputString = $phpVcardMgr->vCard4Format();

// format Vcard 3.0 output string
// $outputString = $phpVcardMgr->vCard3Format();

// format Jcard json output string
// $outputString = $phpVcardMgr->jCardFormat();

// format Xcard XML output string
// $outputString = $phpVcardMgr->xCardFormat();

For details, please explore Vcard4 rfc6350, Vcard3 rfc2426, Jcard rfc7095, Xcard rfc6351 or PhpVcardMgr, Vcard, or Properties docs.

To support the development, maintenance and test process PHPCompatibility, PHPStan and php-arguments-detector are included.


For support use Non-emergence support issues are, unless sponsored, fixed in due time.


Donation using are appreciated. For invoice, please e-mail.



From the Command Line:

composer require kigkonsult/phpvcardmgr

In your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "kigkonsult/phpvcardmgr": "*"

PhpVcardMgr is licensed under the LGPLv3 License.